St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church
Baroque Pearl in Inđija
The church was built in 1872 and was built for four years. It is dedicated to the Holy Apostle St. Peter. Until that time, there were chapels and smaller churches in Inđija, since only a small number of Catholics lived in the town. Worship took place mainly in a small church dedicated to the Holy Apostle Peter. It was built of charge, and next to it was a wooden bell tower. With the settlement of Germans and Hungarians in a very short time, the number of Catholics increased, so that there was a need to build a church, which remained in the same form as today.

It was built in the Baroque-Classicist manner, adapted to the conservative taste of its German clients. It is a monumental, single-nave building with a semicircular apse on the south side and a high bell tower on the north.
The interior of the temple has a monumental appearance. Above the entrance is a choir with an organ. The walls are painted and decorated with plant ornaments, and the floor is covered with two-tone tiles. The main altar consists of three parts. In the central part is a painting of the Holy Apostle Peter, the work of an unknown author from the 19th century, and on the sides are sculptures of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius, which are the work of Novotny, a sculptor from Pécs. The side altars, dedicated to St. Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary, were transferred from the older church.
The architectural solution of the altar and the sculpture of the saint was given by the Sarajevo architect Josip Vinkaš.
On the centenary of the founding of the parish, in 1935, a great celebration was organized, and on that occasion the church received stained glass windows, the walls in the interior were painted again and the altars were gilded.