Ethno house Maradik
Ethno house Maradik is a rural household about 150 years old. It is located at Vuka Karadžića St. 41 in Maradik. The authenticity of the exhibits and the interesting story of the former way of life make it very attractive for tourists to visit.
The house is known to be over 150 years old. It was built of cob with a very specific layout of rooms that were needed in a rural household. The house consists of a front room, a back room, a kitchenette, a hallway along the front of the house with treated glass, then there is a cellar, a shed, a granary, a pigsty and a chicken coop. All rooms and the outside area contain authentic exhibits, which are between 50 and 200 years old.

In the back of the yard, you can see an old village cart, a sleigh, a plough which was pulled by two or three horses, a harrow, a treshing machine, and other tools used in a rural household. There are also planted fruit trees that are most widespread on the slopes of Fruška Gora.
Within the Ethno House there are mini souvenir shops and eco markets, where you can buy local products prepared by locals (homemade honey, wines and brandies, seasonal fruits, homemade juices, jams, etc.).
In the front yard there is an ethno restaurant with a capacity of 130 seats, which serves national dishes. Appetizers, dishes and desserts that are most often prepared here are: Srem breakfast, different types of stew (bećar, pudarski, pork), scrambled eggs, homemade soup with noodles, beef goulash, tripe, pig’s trotters in sauce, beans with ribs, donuts with jam, strudel with walnuts or poppy seeds, pies, noodles with poppy seeds, gomboce with plums, grandma’s cake, etc. Domestic drinks served are: jabukovača (apple brandy), šljivovica (plum brandy), lozovača (grape brandy), homemade wine (white, red, rose), homemade juice (elderberry, sour cherry, mint, cherry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry), coffee, tea, etc.
Visits are organized only with advanced booking, for groups of at least 10 people.
Armida tours
Milana Ilića 18, 22320 Inđija
063 522 548, 022 506 255, 022 560 759, 022 553 143